What do you do?

When we do something at church we continually ask ourselves. Does this honor God? How does what we do benefit our community? Does this help us grow closer to one another and to God? No matter what your age or gender, you are welcome at every and all of our weekly events. Consider yourself invited.

  • Second and third Thursdays of the month we gather together to share a happy space where we have a laugh, a piece of pizza, and a drink. Take a pause and come relax with others who love life and love the Lord. We start at 10:30

  • We share in the Lord’s meal every first Sunday of the month during our morning Worship service. All are welcome at His table. We use grape juice and bread (gluten-free option is available).

  • Come pray with us as we gather in the main foyer to bring all our wants, needs, and praises to the Lord through our prayers for others and ourselves. We pray together every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. We start at 10:30.

  • Every last Sunday of the month we dedicate our whole service to reaching out to our community. Throughout the year we support numerous organizations by taking up a special offering during our Mission Sunday service. We also encourage all to bring a plate as we share a meal during the service. The aim of our Mission Sunday is to grow closer to God, to others outside our church family, and to one another.

  • Every Thursday at 12:00 we bring our lunch and gather together to study, grow, and share in the word. We believe that as we grow in the knowledge of God, our relationship with Him is also strengthened. We finish at 14:00. Come join us for two hours of fellowship and an in-depth study of God’s word.